Selby Vunganai Hwacha

Partner and Head - Employment and Litigation Law

Selby is one of the founding members of the firm, DMH, and has been in practice for over 30 years. He heads the Employment, Litigation and Alternative Dispute Resolution Unit.

Selby leads a respected labour practice that includes offering advisory services on all matters pertaining to employment law from recruitment, company codes of conduct, company constitutions, internal hearings, arbitrations, restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, downsizing, and retrenchments. Selby's vast litigation experience in the Labour, High, Supreme and constitutional courts of Zimbabwe has resulted in significant positive changes in labour and human rights law in Zimbabwe. Selby has also handled numerous high profile criminal and civil cases successfully. A cursory glance of Zimbabwean case law will show that Selby has tackled difficult and novel cases on labour, commercial, criminal and human rights law with ingenuity, tact and a thoroughness which characterizes Selby's general approach to his work.

Selby's Scope of work includes;

  • Recruitment
  • Immigration
  • Employment Contracts and remuneration
  • Company employment policies
  • Internal hearings
  • Dispute Resolution and mediation
  • Restructuring and retrenchment.
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Sale of shares agreements and dispute resolution
  • Commercial arbitration.

Outside of his practice, Selby served on the 1999 Constitutional Commission of Zimbabwe and was drafted into the 2013 constitutional making process. He is a former Secretary of the Harare Legal Practitioners Association and a Council Member of the National University of Science and Technology. He is founder member of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights and the Zimbabwe National Students Union. Presently Selby serves on the board of the Zimbabwe Lawyers for Human Rights and is an advisor to a number of trusts and international organizations on issues pertaining to the constitution, human and media rights.

Selby sits on a number of private company boards.